Ledger.com/Start® - Security for Crypto | Ledger

Ledger hardware wallets provide cutting-edge security by storing your private keys offline, thereby insulating them from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. Whether you're a cryptocurrency novice...

Ledger: Start Your Crypto Journey Here

Ledger: Unrivaled Security for Your Digital Assets

The official starting point of your secure digital asset management journey with Ledger. Renowned for its robust security features, Ledger offers you peace of mind with state-of-the-art hardware wallets that protect your cryptocurrencies from online threats. Ready to take the first step? Let's get you started.

Why Choose Ledger?

Ledger hardware wallets provide cutting-edge security by storing your private keys offline, thereby insulating them from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. Whether you're a cryptocurrency novice or a seasoned investor, Ledger's range of products ensures that your digital investments are kept safe and sound, under your total control.

Setting Up Your Ledger Device

Setting up your Ledger device involves a few straightforward steps:

  1. Unbox Your Device: Carefully unbox your Ledger hardware wallet to ensure it includes all necessary components.

  2. Download Ledger Live: Visit the Ledger Live download page to get the official application for your computer or mobile device.

  3. Connect Your Ledger: Follow the on-screen instructions in Ledger Live to connect your Ledger device to your computer or smartphone.

  4. Create a Recovery Phrase: Securely generate and write down your recovery phrase. This is crucial for recovering your assets in case your device is lost or damaged.

Explore the Ledger Live App

Ledger Live is your gateway to managing your cryptocurrencies. This powerful application allows you to:

  • Send and Receive Crypto: Easily send and receive various cryptocurrencies with complete control over your transactions.

  • Check Your Balance: View all your assets at a glance, updated in real-time.

  • Install Applications: Customize your Ledger device by installing applications for different cryptocurrencies.

Enhancing Your Ledger Experience

To make the most of your Ledger hardware wallet, consider exploring these additional features:

  • Staking and Lending: Participate in network operations and earn rewards directly through Ledger Live.

  • Educational Content: Access a wealth of educational materials to learn more about cryptocurrency safety and investment strategies.

Need Help? Visit Our Support Center

If you encounter any issues or have questions, our comprehensive support center is here to help. Visit Ledger Support to find FAQs, troubleshooting guides, and contact information for further assistance.

Join the Ledger Community

Connect with other Ledger users and stay updated on the latest news and updates by joining our community. Follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest insights and special offers.

Secure Your Digital Future Today

Don't wait to secure your cryptocurrencies. Visit ledger.com/start to purchase your Ledger device today and embark on a secure and prosperous digital asset journey. Your future in crypto starts here with Ledger

Last updated